There are two parts to setting up for AFL Mint. You’ll need to create your AFL iD. Your Magic wallet account will automatically be created through the creation of your AFL iD. How good is that!
Then you’re ready to mint and claim your FREE Team Collectible!
Step 1: Create your AFL iD
Click the ‘CREATE AFL ID’ button below. This will open a new page where you can log in with your existing AFL iD or create a new one that can be used across the AFL’s online platforms.
- Enter your email address, Click ‘Let’s Go!’
- Enter a password, Click ‘I agree to the terms’ then Click ‘Next’
Make sure to use a personal email address or an email address you have access to at all times. It is NOT recommended to use a work email address.
You’ll then be prompted to provide your details and favourite AFL team.
- Complete all required fields, follow the prompts.
- Click ‘Log In’
An email will be sent from AFL iD: to verify your email address.
New users will need to verify both email and mobile number.
Email Verification
- Go to your email
- Click ‘Activate Account’
You will be prompted to verify your mobile number on the following screen
- Click ‘Receive a code via SMS’
- Enter the verification code and click verify
- You will then be logged in
Congratulations for setting up an AFL iD, you are one step closer to claiming your FREE Team Collectible!
Step 2: Create and connect your wallet
Now you are ready to create your Magic Wallet and will be taken to this screen, once you have activated your email and verified phone number.
Magic wallet holds proof of digital tokens and digital collectibles. Magic will also become your account ID when accessing different websites that have digital collectibles, tokens and metaverse account sign-in options. AFL Mint uses the Magic wallet and Blocto wallet as the primary smart contract wallets.
- Tick ‘I have read and accept the terms’
- Click ‘Create account’
For further information about Magic Wallet, Click ‘+’
Congratulations on creating your Magic wallet, how easy was that! You can now claim your Free Team Collectible!
Step 3: Claim Free Team Collectible
- An AFL Mint digital pack will display, Click ‘Let’s go!’
- An animation will play revealing your Team Collectible
Click the Trophy icon to see it in your collections. This is also where AFL Mint purchases and digital rewards will be displayed!
Thank you for claiming your FREE Team Collectible, creating an AFL iD and Magic wallet. You are now ready to purchase AFL Mint digital collectibles!
Disclaimer: If you have an existing Magic wallet from another Magic project, it is not possible to import your previous Magic wallet at this time. The Magic wallet created through AFL Mint can only connect to AFL Mint digital collectibles at the moment. You will have to create or use a separate magic wallet for other Magic projects. Please also note other web3 projects may be on other chains. AFL Mint is on Flowchain!
Ready to collect!
You’ll now be all set to start adding to your collection.